Around the world

Beatriz Maudes Gutierrez
Expert Director, MAPFRE RE People Management
“For me, family and professional life are equally important, closely followed by social relationships.
I’ve tried to strike the right balance between the three “spheres” in order to minimize conflict.
The flexibility MAPFRE RE has given me, to be able to take care of my family and do my job,
has enabled me to continue my professional development, take on greater responsibilities and always feel supported, both at home and at work.
The pillars of a work-life balance are mutual trust and reciprocity between the company and the employee.”
Ninoska Ricardo
República Dominicana
Gestora de Servicios, Tecnologia
“Me encanta brindar mi tiempo, amor, entusiasmo y esfuerzo al realizar las actividades que el voluntariado MAPFRE organiza. Ayudar a cambiar por un instante el panorama de las personas menos favorecidas, mejorar el entorno en que vivimos, compartir el entusiasmo y la satisfacción que brinda poder sentirme útil y una mejor persona.”
Claudia Pires Rodrigues Wharton
Diretora de Ouvidoria
“MAPFRE es una empresa con unos valores sólidos y coherentes, ¡y eso me encanta! He vivido numerosas experiencias de crecimiento, aprendizaje y desarrollo en el transcurso de estos 24 años de trabajo. La empresa me ha ofrecido tanto oportunidades de "job rotation", maravillosas sesiones de formación, numerosos desafíos y un plan de carrera. He tenido el privilegio de implantar un gran número de proyectos estratégicos y colaborar en distintas áreas como RRHH, negocios, Marketing, Formación Comercial, Contact Center-SIM 24h, entre otras. Actualmente estoy en el Área de Auditoría. Siento que he dejado un legado. ¡Vale la pena ser MAPFRE!”
Vittorio La Ferla
Business Intermediaries Unit
“The work environment here is very welcoming. I look forward to come to work because the company is always enhancing the conditions and the atmosphere in order to apply to a diversity of employees. The response is very positive.”
Wilton Cecilio Hernández
República Dominicana
Técnico de Administración y Finanzas
“Tras 25 años en MAPFRE he aprendido que los cambios son constantes pero que la fortaleza de esta entidad no se quiebra. Nos desarrollamos y tenemos que ser flexibles. Me siento muy orgulloso del trabajo que hago y todo lo que he aportado para el crecimiento de esta compañía. Pertenezco a esta gran familia y amo mi trabajo.”
Óscar Gonzalo Díaz Beltrán
Analista de servicios – back/ Operaciones
“En MAPFRE mi discapacidad, se convirtió en CAPACIDAD, desde mi ingreso en 2010 a la compañía tuve un gran cambio. Es agradable trabajar en un sitio donde te sientes en casa, donde aprendes, donde creen en ti y puedes sacar adelante tu proyecto de vida, tu familia y tus sueños gracias por la oportunidad y el programa de inclusión laboral al que pertenezco.”
Adriana Jiménez Rodríguez
Costa Rica
Jefe de Cuentas Corporativas
“En MAPFRE la innovación es esencial para el desarrollo del negocio, es por esta razón que nos reta como empleados para estar en la constante búsqueda de diferenciadores que nos permitan estar actualizados siempre y destacar en nuestro segmento de negocio. Aunado a que nos permite descubrir talentos en nuestros colaboradores para el desarrollo de nuevas ideas.”
Manuel Eduardo Pérez Quintanilla
El Salvador
Director Legal
“Estoy realmente orgulloso y agradecido por pertenecer a MAPFRE. Han sido 25 años dentro de la empresa, en los cuales ha habido desafíos y satisfacciones que me han permitido obtener- entre otras cosas- mucha madurez tanto a nivel personal como profesional. He podido participar de todo el proceso de cambio de la compañía, hecho que me ha dado una amplia y rica experiencia, en muchos sentidos. Siento una especial gratitud por poder tener compañeros y amigos de múltiples nacionalidades. Totalmente satisfecho, son las palabras que expresan cómo me siento.”
Aisha Simpson
United States
Supervisor, Enterprise Contact Center
“My time here at MAPFRE has been extremely rewarding, both professionally and personally. There are so many opportunities for growth and I’ve been fortunate to take advantage of the offered licensing and trainings. These programs have helped me progress through different business areas within the company, from entry level all the way to a leadership role. The flexibility offered by MAPFRE has allowed me to have the perfect work/life balance. I’m grateful to be able to focus on my family after hours with peace of mind, knowing I had enough time in the day to successfully do my job. The work atmosphere is also unlike any I’ve ever experienced. I feel like I’m appreciated and actually make a difference with my contributions.”
Talent Match
At MAPFRE we seek diverse candidates. We aim to attract and retain talented people who embody the qualities and values that drive our
business success. This diversity is what makes up our MAPFRE DNA.
We encourage you to use our Talent Match tool to see which types of positions may be a good fit for you. Select a quality from each of our
behavioral competencies that you identify with to determine your MAPFRE DNA.
Our behavioral priorities
I share relevant information and synthesize it with the recipient’s interests in mind.
I ask my client questions and listen to them to empathize with their experiences and learn what truly matters to them.
I eliminate any task from my day-to-day work that doesn’t add value to the client or the organization.
Team player
I interact and cooperate with people around me, focusing on the “why” and “thank you”.
I brainstorm with techniques that stimulate creative thinking to come up with solutions.
I set and always meet deadlines, making sure I am never the bottleneck.
I involve myself in and bring value to projects.
I test solutions on a trial and error basis, request feedback and make ongoing improvements.
I am flexible in my position and thinking whenever possible, always placing the focus on the client.

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Your Work Placement

We want to show you what a career at MAPFRE could mean to you.
Graduates Program

Congratulations! You’re ready to put everything you’ve learned into practice.

Your future starts with MAPFRE
Be An Agent

We offer you the opportunity to work with our valued clients.
Your Work Placement
Embarking on a new phase in your career is an exciting opportunity to put your best foot forward. At MAPFRE, we believe in acquiring and retaining diverse talent to ensure mutual success.
Through our “Grow with us” program, we offer you a head start in the workforce and support your learning and development.
The program varies from country to country, but it will provide you with a unique experience as you:
- Discover how a leading company works.
- Work with experts with extensive experience and motivation, who will also support you in bringing out the best in yourself.
- Work as part of a team from the outset.
- Develop your talent through participation in real projects.
- Broaden your knowledge by gaining access to new areas of the company.
- Build your own network of contacts, that will be an enriching experience for you. both professionally and personally.
We have agreements with over 500 universities and business schools around the world. Contact your study center to carry out your work placement with us.
Do you want to share this experience with us?
Here’s what employees have said about their experiences.

Laura Melisa Lagos Rodríguez
Business Administration student.
"I decided to carry out my work placement in MAPFRE Seguros Honduras because it seemed like a company with a great reputation in the country. Throughout my time working there, I’ve learned a lot in the area of automobile claims. It was a wonderful experience: my work colleagues were very nice, I enjoyed a comfortable and safe working environment, I learned a lot from every client and every colleague. I learned something new every day and how to adopt different working approaches."

Ilayda Kahraman
Human resources management
"MAPFRE family is where you can improve yourself in terms of professional career. I’m learning a lot of things for my job in there accept for my school life. It is a great company for me that I had the chance to participate in some recruitment processes."

Elene Feced Álvarez
Master in Management and Talent Development
"If I were given the opportunity again to carry out my work placement in MAPFRE RE, I wouldn’t think twice about it - my answer would definitely be YES. It’s a great opportunity, both professionally and personally, to form part of this great team of professionals. From the very first day, I was welcomed as one of the team and they devoted their time to developing my skills, broadening my knowledge and helping me become a great professional."

Raúl Bejarano Perez
Corporate Human Resources Area
"I applied to MAPFRE because it seemed like a company with a great reputation, where I could learn a lot. I worked in the Human Resources area because during my college course we didn’t focus much on this. After six months they offered me the chance to renew and I decided to stay on for another six months. Throughout my time working in the company, I really learned a lot, I’ve had a great experience, and I’ve also got to know some amazing professionals who are not only very good at their work but are also wonderful people. I am left with a genuine feeling of gratitude toward the company and pride in having played a part in such a large project during my time here."

We are an equal-opportunity employer and aim to find the best candidates who will thrive professionally and embrace the MAPFRE culture.
Graduates program
You’ve completed your education and want to put everything you’ve learned into practice. You’re ready to take on new challenges and responsibilities. Does this sound like you? Then MAPFRE is the place for you!

“Te ofrece grandes oportunidades de desarrollo. En mi caso, comencé como becaria en el Área Corporativa de RRHH. Actualmente trabajo dentro del Área de Auditoría, un ámbito que me apasiona y en el que hay amplias posibilidades para mi crecimiento profesional”.

“Aquí la innovación es una palanca para el crecimiento y la transformación. Por eso todos los empleados estamos abiertos a proponer nuevas ideas.”

“Trabajar en una empresa donde se fomente el buen clima de trabajo y donde se motive a la gente a hacer equipo para mí es fundamental. Las condiciones económicas son importantes, pero lo es mucho más que haya un buen ambiente de trabajo, en el que prime el compañerismo y en el que te sientas a gusto cada día”.

“La oportunidad de trabajar en otros países siempre está abierta, y son muchos los compañeros que han comenzado trabajando fuera de España o que han vivido una parte de su etapa profesional en alguno de los países en los que MAPFRE está presente”

Antonio, Luisa, Carolina and Luis joined MAPFRE through our Trainee Program,
which offers an employment opportunity for recent graduates or people with limited work experience.
There are different paths you can take to develop your career with us.
We want people who bring ideas and new ways of doing things, who want to be constantly taking on challenges, who adapt quickly to change, who have a global mindset, are capable of working collaboratively on projects and who help us to generate a positive impact on society.
We are an equal-opportunity employer and aim to find the best candidates who will thrive professionally and embrace the MAPFRE culture.
MAPFRE’s number one asset is its employees, the people who, throughout our almost 100 years of history, have worked hard to make us the great company we are today.

- People like you, who are resilient and constantly looks to improve and reinvent themselves because your growth is what drives MAPFRE’s growth.
- People who build their own futures, who take on responsibilities and who feel empowered.
- People who started out in MAPFRE at a young age and others who joined at some point in their career.
- People who see opportunities for growth in the company.
- People who started out in one area or country, and whose efforts and hard work have led them to embark on different adventures within MAPFRE.
- People who are eager to learn and feel they are part of a global team of people who share the same values.
- People who see their future at MAPFRE.
If you identify with the above, like more than 36,000 MAPFRE employees, consider joining our team.
We are an equal-opportunity employer and aim to find the best candidates who will thrive professionally and embrace the MAPFRE culture.
Be An Agent
We have a network of professional intermediaries with different profiles that vary according
to the business and type of client who make use of the latest digital tools to do their work.
We offer you the opportunity to work with what the client values most: professional and
personalized advice on the protection of their family and their company/business
(Health, Life, Household, Automobile, Savings, Investment, Retirement, etc.)
What are our objectives?
- We select people who want to join us and have their sights set on a long-term professional relationship.
- We want to invest in you to make you a great professional, an ambassador of the MAPFRE brand.
- We want you to bring your talent to our organization and share in your success.
- What do we bring to you?
- We offer you a meeting point for sharing ideas, knowledge and to work in a team via our career plan that we’ll develop together with you.
- We offer you a professional career with a stable present and a promising future.
- The opportunity to form part MAPFRE’s professional network of intermediaries.
- Marketing of financial and insurance products for companies/businesses and individuals/families.
- How can we help you?
Through a practical training program with constant mentoring, including technical and sales knowledge to boost your skills.
Through different tools that will help you to do your work, including:- Online and on-site training.
- Training: to boost your skills and abilities, and to map out your path to your chosen goal with assurance and confidence.
- Sales team: you’ll be part of MAPFRE’s professional team.
We are an equal-opportunity employer and aim to find the best candidates who will thrive professionally and embrace the MAPFRE culture.
Why join us?
At MAPFRE, we are proud of our employees, and we want them to be proud of us too. We asked our employees about the advantages of working here, and this is what they had to say:
- MAPFRE is a company with socially responsible values.
- Opportunities to grow and develop in your country or through an international career.
- Ability to hone skills and develop specific career paths.
- Internal promotion via our MAPFRE Global Talent Network.
- Training programs. Last year, we invested 20.8 million euros in training.
- Innovative and digital projects.
- A diverse and stimulating environment that listen to your ideas. For example, we have a LGTBI Committee in Brazil
- Work-life balance measures.
- Flexible working hours.
- Recognition programs.
- Discounts on the products and services marketed by our company.
- Attractive social benefits.
- The ability to refer people you know to work with us.
- Corporate volunteering projects.
MAPFRE's commitment
This is our commitment to you: always starting out on the basis of equal opportunities for all and non-discrimination, we want to find the best professional for a specific vacancy and ensure that person fits the job position and our culture. These are the steps we go through every time we need to boost MAPFRE’s talent pool.
What do we want from you?
We’re looking for people who want to join us and who share our values.
People who contribute through their enthusiasm and hard work to achieve growth for all of us who form part of this company.
People who know how to collaborate, because the ability to share, contribute and cooperate with people with different points of view helps us to deliver the best results.
People who innovate: who identify ideas and solutions, and who always strive to transform something good into something even better.
People who take an agile approach to change management and make quick, effective decisions.
People who are creative, suggesting ideas and new ways of doing things.
People who have a curiosity to learn, develop, grow and feel that they’re contributing to our company’s objectives.